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Mihone Kerolli – Bio

Mihone Kerolli holds a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering and Technology from University of Zagreb, Croatia and a Master’s degree in environmental engineering from the University of Pristina. Since 2014 she is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in University of Zagreb, Croatia on polymer composites and glass ceramic from hazardous waste. She served as a lecturer in International Business College Mitrovica, University College UBT and University of Zagreb. Apart from her career as a lecturer, Mihone worked also as Head of Environmental and Agriculture Management Department for IBCM; National Professional Officer/Advisor and Trainer for OSCE; National Academic Expert for SWG and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development; Project Manager for different projects covering environmental and agricultural issues; Senior Researcher on hazardous industrial waste minimization, reusing and recycling; Capacity Building for environmental impact assessments in Kosovo and Specialist for hazardous jarosite waste. She has trained many students and has over 30 peers reviewed scientific publications to her credit.

At RIT Kosovo, she is a lecturer of contemporary sciences.