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Ketrina Cabiri Mijo, Ph.D

Ketrina Çabiri Mijo, Ph.D works at the Office for Project Development and Partnerships at the European University of Tirana (UET) and currently she is the Director of Office for Projects Development and International Relations in UET. Ketrina has been working as an expert of European Research Programs in the Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation in the Council of Ministers in Albania. She has an extensive experience in project writing and management, while she has been involved in several EU Projects such as Tempus, IPA CBC/Interreg MED/Balkan Med, LLP/Jean Monnet, ERASMUS +, ESPON and other national and international donors like World Bank and British Council, Open Society Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Sifting, OSCE, UNWOMEN, GDN (Global Research Competition), etc.

Ketrina completed her PHD on Corruption and Decision Making in Public Procurement at the European University of Tirana, followed by a fellowship at the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Essex University (2016) supported by the Civil Society Scholar Award and a research stay at the Department of Political Sciences and Sociology, University of Salzburg as a Sigma Agile Fellow (2015-2016). Ketrina received a master’s degree in European Politics from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom in 2009. Ketrina has been a research Fellow at TRAIN programme ‘Fostering Policy Dialogue in the Western Balkans’ lead by German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in 2017