Contact Info

Joseph Timoney, Ph.D

Dr. Joe Timoney studied Electronic Engineering, completing his PhD in 1998. He joined the Dept. of Computer Science at NUI Maynooth in the following year. He teaches undergraduate programs in Computer Science and in Music Technology. His research interests are based in audio signal processing, with a focus on musical sound synthesis and the digital modelling of analogue subtractive synthesis. He has supervised a number of PhD students in the fields of Audio analysis and Digital Audio watermarking. Additionally, he has worked on EI innovation vouchers and a Commercialization project on Watermarking. In 2003 he spent a 3-month research visit at ATR laboratory in Kyoto, Japan, and in 2010 made a research visit to the College of Computing at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. He has developed a strong research collaboration with the Dept of Signal processing and Acoustics at Aalto university in Finland. He is a member of the Audio Engineering Society. Alongside his academic work, he also is a keen DIY electronics enthusiast and has built several synthesizers and drum machines. He participated in last year’s Mini-Maker Faire as part of the NUI Maynooth team.